Updated May 9, 2022:
- Fifty Bromley Charities: A Timeline (2022-2021)
- An Overview of 50 Charities: Aggregate Assets, Revenue & Expenditures
- Inter-gifting Between the Bromley Charities (2000-2021)
- Fifty Gifts for More Than $500 Million
- Tax-Receipted Donations (2000-2021) $1.3 BILLION
- Stated Purposes of Bromley Charities (AAS CEF & PWF)
- Fees Paid (2003-2021)
- Gifts from CHIMP to The Bromley Charities (2011-2021)
- Global Charity Fund: How Gifts Were Re-Gifted To CHIMP
- CHIMP vs Vancouver Foundation (2011-2021)
- Payments to Chimp Tech Inc.: $54 Million (2011-2021)
- Blake Bromley: Charities where he is/was a director
- Christopher Richardson: Charities where he is/was a director
- Gifts of More Than $10 Million Each
- Data Entry Errors in the CRA's Online Database for Charities: 12 Examples
- Gifts to CHIMP Foundation for $200 Million
- By Province: Gifts from Charitable Impact Foundation ("CHIMP") for $19 Or Less
- Gifts From Charitable Impact Foundation for $4
- Excerpts of CHIMP 2014 & 2015 Tax Returns Showing Stale-Dated Cheques
- An Overview of 50 Charities: Directors, Assets, Liabilities, Revenue, Expenditures & Gifts to Other Charities
To download Appendices I-VII in one file, click here.