Since 2001, Tides Canada has been paid $50 million by three American foundations: the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. How was this money spent? Was it re-granted to other organizations or was it spent internally by Tides Canada Foundation or through Tides Canada Initiatives Society? To put it bluntly, to what extent have Tides Canada's internal programs been funded by American foundations?
Below, here is a list of the grants from three American foundations (Hewlett, Packard and Moore), for $50 million.
- $640,000 from Packard “for start-up costs and the creation of a regranting fund to support marine protection efforts in British Columbia.”
- $150,000 from Hewlett for the Rainforest Solutions Project
- $990,908 from Packard “for the Rainforest Solutions project."
- $780,000 from Packard “for efforts to secure greater levels of protection for the temperate rainforests on the central and north coast of British Columbia”
- $346,500 from Packard for “support for development of a strategic donor outreach initiative, and for the Coast Alliance Aquaculture Reform project and support for sustainable aquaculture in BC.”
- $35,000 from Packard for “support for alternative economic development the Taku River Tlingit Salmon Smokery.”
- $1,115,000 from Hewlett for the Rainforest Solutions Project
- $175,000 from Packard “to develop indigenous Canadian capacity for conservation philanthropy.”
- $760,000 from Packard in three grants: $250,000 "for the Rainforest Solutions Project,“$250,000 “for the Rainforest Solutions Project: Science and Planning Program,” and$260,000 “for the Rainforest Solutions project.”
- $350,000 from Moore for a Donor Advised Fund for Wild Salmon Conservation
- $70,000 from Hewlett for the development of a strategic plan to address oil and gas development in British Columbia
- $982,500 from Packard in four grants: $250,000 “for the Rainforest Solutions Project to implement the socially responsible investment strategy of its conservation and sustainability initiative on the B.C. coast,” $532,500 “for the Rainforest Solutions Project: mapping a new model for conservation and sustainable development on the British Columbia coast,”$50,000 “for a project to implement Ecosystem-based Management in British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest” and $150,000 “to promote and increase philanthropy for conservation initiatives in Canada.”
- $400,081 from Moore for the Rainforest Solutions Project
- $277,525 from Moore for the Transboundary Watershed Alliance
- $600,000 from Moore for the Donor Advised Fund for Wild Salmon Conservation (Renewal)
- $50,000 from Hewlett to the Sage Centre (Tides Canada Initiatives Society" for identifying and communicating potential impacts of climate change specific to Canada's..."
- $175,000 from Packard "for the Coastal First Nations-Turning Point Initiative"
- $100,000 from Packard "for the Rainforest Solutions Project"
- $469,227 from Moore for Taku Watershed Conservation – Salmon Habitat Protection
- $600,000 from Moore for British Columbia Salmon Conservation – Small Grants Fund
- $500,000 from Moore for the Stikine Conservation Network
- $250,000 from Moore for Test Case -- Legal Framework for Aboriginal Rights and Title
- $3,378,987 from Hewlett for the Coast Opportunities Foundation Fund (First Nations on the north coast of B.C.) (for 48 months)
- $3,434,245 from Hewlett "for the Coast Opportunties Foundation Donor Advised Fund" (for 48 months)
- $3,956,632 from Hewlett "for the Ecosystem-Based Management Implementation Donor Advised Fund" (for 48 months)
- $1.5 million from Hewlett "for the Oil and Gas Fund project" (for 36 months)
- $5,756,680 from Packard "to fulfill the Foundation's commitment to the Coast Conservation Endowment Fund Foundation"
- $3 million from Packard "to support ecosystem-based management implementation in the Great Bear Rainforest through 2010" (for 36 months)
- $318,650 from Packard "for start-up and regional conservation management initiatives of the Coast Conservation Endowment Fund Foundation"
- $50,000 from Packard "for fund development for the Rainforest Solutions Project"
- $655,000 from Moore for Strategic Acquisition of Guide Outfitter Operating in Taku Watershed
- $529,629 from Moore for Great Bear Deal Implementation/Coast Opportunities Funds Start-up
- $889,946 from Moore for Informing Area-Based Management
- $1,212,150 from Moore for Increasing Environmental Non-Governmental Organization
- $1,241,635 from Moore for Securing the PNCIMA ABM process through an ENGO strategic plan
- $1,811,939 from Moore for the Skeena Integrated Management Reform
- $50,000 from Hewlett for developing a business plan for the organization
- $736,132 from Moore for Developing an Innovative Oceans Partnership to support the PNCIMA Initiative
- $162,785 from Moore for a "Sustainability Plan"
- $395,910 from Moore for the British Columbia Wild Salmon Conservation – Small Grants Fund
- $400,000 from Hewlett for efforts to reduce fossil fuel development
- $8,413,822 from Moore for Supporting PNCIMA
- $2,418,405 from Moore for the Salmon Aquaculture Innovation Fund
- $858,576 from Moore for the British Columbia Wild Salmon Conservation – Small Grants Fund
- $893,881 from Moore for British Columbia Marine Conservation - Small Grants Fund
- $2,496,506 from Moore for the Taku Tlatsini Conservation Fund
- $455,120 from Moore for Collaborative Scientific Analysis in British Columbia
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