« First T.V. Interview About U.S. Funding to Canadian Environmental Groups: On The Ezra Levant Show, May 20, 2011 | Main | $15 Million Granted from the Pew Charitable Trusts to Sea Around Us at UBC »



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Vivian,thanks for all you do,I dont understand how whats going on could be legal,why is this not being investigated?On second thought maybe I shouldnt thank you cause every time I read this stuff a vein starts to pop out on my forehead.Keep at it and hopefully people will wake up.Thanks.

Counseling Jacksonville Fl

Vivian,thanks for all you do,I do not comprehend how what is going on could be lawful,why is this not being investigated?On second believed maybe I should not thank you cause whenever I study this products a problematic vein begins to pop out on my temple.Keep at it and hopefully individuals will awaken.Thanks.

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